sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011


The Agenda Show  moved to Anaheim in January 2011, more than doubling its space to meet demand and to make room for new segments, including Agenda Snow. Agenda in Anaheim Jan. 6th & 7th was held at the Anaheim Marriott and  encompassed 82,000 square feet of show space.
This show is being growing strong for the past 5 years and is getting better every year.

What I personally like about this show is the way that every brand has the same booth space without been pretentious and more serious about the business and marketing without all that fancy over budged booth design that sometimes intimidate small business buyers. Agenda is for every one and everyone feels welcome to walking to do their network and check it out the best to come from brands for upcoming season.

 Flip holding up his new Brand Manager title and business card!

Of course my favorite part of Agenda is The Berrics show, where we can find most of the skateboarding gear and catch up with our skateboarder friends.
This year The Berrics grew a lot, maybe even because the fact that the ASR is canceled and the AGENDA was the best option for the skate industry have their biggest sales meetings of the year.

Improve your Soles...
The shoe industry cant get enough of new designs, ideas and concepts for the health of those skateboarders, snowboarders that might give rise to severe foot an ankle injuries...
What really caught my attention was the Remind Insoles with an orthotic insoles that shapes dynamically to the foot prints as you inject water to it.  As you can see DJ Chaves doing the work on this picture.
Also it's features the graphics of Jim Phillips.
Remind Insoles will knock your socks off!

So many cool Eye Wear from Spy, Brigada, Quay Australia, Ashbury and Sun Scape  to check.
Lots of colors and vintage frames.
It was fun to see how well Quay Australia is growing in the US. See the happiness on the LA's representatives eyes.
Me and my friend Andrea Ferraz  trying on some Sun Scape shades, she liked it so much, she took 10 samples home with her on the end of the show.

KR3W did step it up a notch on their accessories line. Beautiful watches, jewelry, note pads and hats.

HUF clothing for the preppy skateboarders who's use the streets as their offices.
STANCE  makes artsy socks!
New Globes

WESC headphones

The Agenda trade show was fun and had a great opening party at the 300 Bowling Alley with 
Snoop Dog and Wiz Khalifa presented by Neff, Skull andy and Monster Energy Drink.

To listen some of my music, please click on the link bellow: